Tuesday 29 March 2011


I realised I haven't written in a while now - so I'll write a quick update now.

The main news really is that my father has decided to accompany me on safari - so will be joining me for the first 3 weeks of my trip! This should be interesting - but will be a nice send-off! I think it's a "subtle" way of telling me that he doesn't want me travelling around Africa alone for a month and also it allows him to travel and see a part of the world he has never been to before (I'm not sure that's true though... but I know he's not been on safari in Kenya or Tanzania). I'm happy to have the company and it will ease me into this travelling experience, a good plan I think.

The departure date is coming ever nearer and I feel as if nothing is planned at all (that's probably, because that is the case...)!! At least I'm sticking to being spontaneous :) I am very excited and can't wait to set off and experience the world!

I've gotten all the visas I need prior to entry, which surprisingly weren't that many (I only needed India and Vietnam, and an e-Visa for Australia). For the remaining countries I either do not need one for the period of my stay or can just get it at the border (which may be less of a hassle than sorting it out prior to departure - especially if there is no consulate or embassy in the vicinity). 

Now I need to stock up on malaria pills and general backpacking attire, which is not within my comfort zone, if you will; to give you an idea of the situation: I've had people laugh in my face when I told them I was going backpacking... along the lines of:

You're going travelling? Wow, cool!! You're going with a backpack? Hahahaha send me a picture, I won't believe it until I see it! 
Ha! The pictures to prove it will be up sooner than you think! Only two and a half weeks to go!!