Tuesday 15 February 2011

Confirmation of Flight Itinerary

The day has finally arrived!

I have paid my first instalment and have my STATravel "Round the World Ticket" itinerary confirmed!
Also I have received my Australian and USA travel approvals. It's been a productive day in that respect.

The trips between:
  1. landing in Nairobi and leaving Johannesburg will consist of the following stops: 
    • Mombasa (Kenya)
    • Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania)
    • Zanzibar (Tanzania)
    • Johannesburg (South Africa)
  2. landing in Bankok and leaving Manilla will entail the following stops:
    • Cambodia
    • Vietnam
    • Malaysia
I will organise the routes on my own, giving me some flexibility as to length of stay and what to see.

The long stay in India allows for travel opportunities, spontaneity and experiencing the country. 

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