Sunday 31 July 2011

My last few days in India

I arrived back in Delhi after a nice train ride from Mumbai and made my way into the backpacker area of Pahar Ganj, where I proceeded to find accommodation. I ended up staying in a nice little place off the main bazaar where the staff were really friendly and I managed to get the room very cheaply for Delhi.

By this time I must say I was exhausted by India and ready to leave - though I will definitely be back one day! So I spent the last few days just organising myself, buying some last minute things, chilling out and chilling out some more. I could not get myself to do any sightseeing and am happy I didn't as the temperature and humidity would have made that almost unbearable.

Pahar Ganj itself is an interesting area, full of backpackers and definitely the place where I've seen the most westerns since my arrival in India - it was almost like a bit of a culture shock! It is the place where everyone stays when in Delhi, due to its central location. As a result everything in the area is catered towards backpackers - with souvenir shops, cafes, bars, guest houses, travel agencies (whether dodgy or not) etc., whatever you want, there's a way to get it there.

I left India exhausted by it, but definitely happy I spent the time that I did there. It's a diverse country, where every place is different and interesting. It's a country which throws the unexpected at you and honestly, where it's just best to go with it. If you want to do something, then just do it - if you don't then don't (using sound judgment of course). You have to bargain for everything, from hotel rooms to cigarettes and this is draining, but you get used to it. The colours are overwhelming - you will see it all. The smells are as intense as you will ever smell - both sickening and heavenly. I think these contrasts just show what India is, a diverse country in terms of people and places and full of extremes and contrasts next to each other unlike any other place I have ever seen.

I think the advertising slogan for Indian tourism is probably the best way to desbribe it: Incredible India!

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