Thursday 17 November 2011

Bula Fiji

Fiji as a tourist is absolute paradise. The people are all super friendly and kind hearted. This is the first country where the people are really so kind without any interest in your commercial value. I got along very well with the people in the hostel in Nadi and organised a trip to one of the Yasawa islands where I just wanted to relax for a week. I ended up going to what I now refer to as “My Island” where I was the only tourist. I had my hut, three beaches, snorkelling and hammocks all to myself. I had an extremely relaxing time with the people from the resort taking care of me. My hut was right next to the beach where I could see the amazing sunrise every day.

So obviously this was really a holiday and I did not do very much. I went fishing and spear-fishing and that’s about as active as it got, if you don’t count the trips between the hut and the hammock or between my towel and the sea.

This island life, being in complete seclusion and just relaxing was definitely nice; I can definitely understand the attraction to island life and living the simple life on the island. I can’t really say how the Fijians live in reality, as I can’t say that I really met any that were not somehow connected to the tourism industry. But it seems to me that most of the locals live a simple lifestyle that is fulfilling and that they are generally happy people. I could of course be completely wrong, but that is the impression I got, from the little exposure and conversations that I had with locals.

After a week on the island I went back to Nadi where I met people and spent two fun nights there before flying out to LA (culture shock)! It was pretty difficult to leave the paradise that is Fiji.

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