Friday 22 April 2011

Lake Nakuru National Park

We had an amazing day yesterday - I was living my Lion King dream! We drove to from Nairobi to Lake Nakuru National Park, where we saw loads of animals, amongst others flamingoes, buffaloes, white rhinos, lions and even a leopard! I'd never been on a safari before, so for me this was a wonderful first experience.

Our guide George was a great guy with a sense of humour and who was very knowledgeable. The drive took us through the Great African Rift Valley, where we stopped at a lookout point to get some amazing panorama pictures.

 The drive then took us through some villages, where we could observe Kenyan life. It's amazing how much of the life seems to take place on the streets and outside.

Once we reached Lake Nakuru the day really began, in terms of taking pictures - I think I may have gone a bit overboard! We had lunch at a lodge and then continued our game drive.

In the evening we got stuck in some Nairobi traffic - returning to the hotel at about 8 p.m. after an amazing day. We then went for dinner with some friends and were introduced to the Nairobi night life - again taking place outside! A really worthwhile experience, with there being several bars, a club and a food place in a side street of a side street of Nairobi.

1 comment:

  1. "The drive then took us through some villages, where we could observe Kenyan life."

    So basically you were on a safari all day, just once in the natural nature and the other time in the concrete jungle.
