Sunday 24 April 2011

Nairobi to Mombasa

Friday, our last day in Nairobi, was a relaxing day during which we planned to organise a bus to Mombasa. By coincidence a friend contacted me via facebook to let me know he was actually in Nairobi as well! I hadn't seen him for over a year, so it was great to meet him again, and after having bought the bus tickets to Mombasa, we spent a nice day in town.

Saturday we got to the bus station early and boarded the bus to Mombasa. I would have taken pictures of the hustle, but didn't really feel comfortable/safe taking out my camera there. The drive to Mombasa took 8-9 hours but was relatively comfortable. It seems that the whole of Nairobi was on its way to the coast for Easter. It is crowded everywhere. The drive was very interesting, passing through a lot of greenery and agricultural land. There seems to be soooo much unused land in Kenya, which with the right irrigation system could make it quite an agricultural hub.

I must say that I am not so impressed with Mombasa (at least not from what I have seen so far). We may still go to the fort today, and maybe the area around there is more interesting. What I have seen so far are many dilapidated buildings and the other extreme being huge hotels etc. The weather is warm and humid, although quite cloudy today, as it is the rainy season.

The hotel in Mombasa in on the north coast, and is quite standard and decent, though nothing luxurious, but on the sea front.

In any case, we have managed to book a four day safari starting tomorrow and ending in Nairobi. I will upload more pictures from there. 

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