Monday 27 June 2011

Welcome to Rajasthan! First stop: Jodhpur

After a nice and relaxing night train journey from Delhi, I arrived in Jodhpur early this morning and took an autorickshaw to the centre, where I set about looking for a suitable hostel. Luckily enough, I found one quite quickly and settled in nicely. Arriving at the time that I did, I met other travellers who were having breakfast and arranged to go see the Jodhpur fort with them.

The fort, set up on a hilltop, is an impressive structure in true Maharajah style, with some amazing views of Jodhpur, also known as the "blue city". We spent a good half day there, taking the audio tour (which comes free with the tourist entry fee - I managed to get a student discount (the ID has come in handy once again)). The audio tour extensively explains the history of the fort in an interesting manner and is educative on cultural, political and social matters of the past and present - definitely worthwhile and interesting, unlike many other audio guides that I've listened to in the past.

After having been at the fort, we went back to the centre, where we thoroughly enjoyed a makhania lassi (safron flavoured lassi) before setting out to explore the bustling markets, where truly anything can be found.

In the late afternoon and tired from the heat and walking, we decided to buy some cold beers and head back to the rooftop of the hostel, where we sat enjoying the view and our beers, before heading out to another rooftop - this time a restaurant, where we thoroughly enjoyed a good Indian meal with a beautiful view of the fort.

1 comment:

  1. Yara, I enjoyed the impressive pictures. The level of my enjoyment could, however, have been enhanced if you would have provided some additional information that would put these pictures in a cultural and historical context. Nevertheless, have fun, and I wish you all the best.
    The mother of all fathers (free after Saddam Hussein).
    PS: This is mainly a test to see whether posting a comment works this time.
