Friday 16 September 2011

Five days in paradise

We left Hanoi for a mega journey via Singapore to Bali, where we spent the night at a cute little homestay in Padangbai in anticipation for the speedboat to Gili Air. Gili Air is one of three tiny islands off the coast of Lombok. All three have no motorised transport - if you need transport you can walk, use a bicycle or take a horsecart.

The speedboat trip did on more than one occassion give rise to concerned looks from all the passengers as to whether we would make it to the island alive - the waves were quite strong and the boat was rocking quite extremely. In the end we made it and arrived in paradise.

We walked on the 'main road' - a sandy path next to the beach - and found a beautiful bungalow in a quiet area with a perfect chiller corner with a hammock of course and outdoor bathroom. We had brought our bottle of duty free vodka and enjoyed a bit of that every day after a wonderfull beach session.

The water was a perfect blue and so clear; the sand was white and snorkelling was amazing. We even saw a sea turtle!

Other than being totally relaxed, snorkelling, reading and walking around the island a little bit - it takes about 1.5hrs to walk in a full circle - we ate great seafood and did absolutely nothing. It was beautiful! Jealous?

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