Sunday 8 May 2011

Arusha to Dar es Salaam (Dar)

Yesterday I said bye to my dad in Arusha and took the bus to Dar. The journey took quite a while, taking us through some breathtaking scenery! Tanzania is a beautiful country, very green and full of hills. The journey was relatively pleasant, except for the minor incident that when we got stopped for a police check they found someone who was smuggling ganga! So that was interesting to see! But it didn't really seem to phase anyone, however, all were saying that someone must have tipped off the police, as they don't usually stop coaches and search bags etc. This is affirmed by the fact that they didn't check all bags, only some which would have had a similar description.

I stayed at an interesting hotel/inn last night - I forgot to take pictures! The people were very nice, but I'm not sure about the neighbourhood. In any case, I moved to a hostel today where everyone is friendly and the neighbourhood seems to be a bit better/more friendly.

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