Sunday 1 May 2011

A few relaxed days in Nairobi

The last few days have been quite relaxing and chilled out. Just met up with a friend and hung out - seeing Village Market and experiencing the Nairobi night life.

Village Market is a western style mall where lots of the ex pats hang out - on Fridays they have a market on the roof, where you can acquire any of the typical Kenyan souvenir/curio items. I did find it quite a contrast to the mall part below.

Going out was really good fun - the bars are nice and the people are very friendly; so much of the night life is outside, the place we ended up in had its dance floor outside (pretty much on the pavement in front of the bar)! It is normal that commercial sex workers - I quite like that term - frequent the bars and attempt to find clients there. It is not abnormal to find yourself dancing with someone only to then get asked whether you're coming home with them - happened a few times to my friend during the night hahaha!

Heading to Arusha, Tanzania in a few hours - will update again from there!

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