Saturday 21 May 2011


After a week spent volunteering at the school, which proved to be an interesting experience to say the least; Irene and I made a trip to the East Coast of Zanzibar where all the beautiful beaches are. We took a dalla dalla (local bus) in the morning (a trip of about 1.5 hrs) and spent the day relaxing on a powdery white sand beach in Paje. When we arrived, the tide was very low and the water was extremely far out. We took a walk and just chilled at the beach, enjoying the sun. In the afternoon, as the tide started coming back in, the kite surfers started to appear – so it was nice watching them surf the waters, doing tricks etc. Later when the water was really close I went for my first swim in the Indian Ocean – wow, the water was so warm and nice! I loved it! The sand on the beach was so white, that it reflected the light almost as strongly as snow would... my feet got totally sunburnt (and I don’t burn easily). In the evening we took the dalla dalla back to Stone Town and had a great dinner at Forodhani (the peoples’ garden), where stalls are set-up every day selling all kinds of different foods (sea-food, meats, vegetarian foods) and it’s all really cheap! So we sat there for a while eating and then slowly made our way back home later, relaxed and exhausted from a long day out. 

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